I just started going back out with this guy that Ive known my whole life. We started dating this past summer when I went to stay up around where he lives (which is hrs away from where I normally live). We went out for the whole summer and continued going out when I returned home. After about 2 months though we broke up bc of the distance but we still talked just like we were going out. About a month after we broke up he told me he was going to try and talk to his ex gf again since I had told him if he went out with anyone I wanted it to be her bc i kinda knew her. Well they started going out and me and him continued to talk. sometimes it was just as friends sometimes it was more then friends. we would sometimes tell each other that we loved each other. this was of course bad bc he was still with his ex and it would hurt me to know that they were together. so we pretty much went on talking and hurting each other for almost 4 months. I knew i should stop talkin to him and move on but i honestly love him and believe he loves me to. finally he decided to try and get his gf to break up with him and she finally did after he told her that i was comming into town and he was going to spend time with me. i was thrilled. only 3 days later he asked me back out and i said yes. weve been going out now for almost a week but i cant help but wonder if hes still talkin to her like he talked to me when we broke up and he was with her. I want to believe that he wouldnt do that to me but so much has happened over the past several months that i guess i dont trust him like i use to, and im afraid hes gonna leave me again.