i’m a weak person though i try my best to be strong and selfless; i find it hard not to be afraid of everyone because i have high ideals and nobody ever seems to meet them. i search every day for something good to hold onto and i keep being hurt and disappointed; but its blurry whether its the truth or just me lying to myself. im also pretentious and thoughtless, it seems i dont really consider other people despite my efforts to try and help wherever possible and most of the time i feel hurt because nobody wants to know; when they say they do it feels so hollow. im scared to meet new people because… well i dont really have a reason, i guess im just lazy; but something holds me back no matter what. most of all i cant stop feeling sorry, this spiral of selfpity serves only negative purposes but its all i’ve ever known. so, to all those who’ve met someone distinct and troubled, i apologise on their behalf, and would like to remind you that maybe they just need a moment of selflessness to bring them back from the excruciating limbo

i just want a caring hand to drift across my cheek.