I feel stupid when i talk to my dad. He makes everything about god and uses the bible to rationalize all his opinions. Its frustrating because when I disagree with him, (the use of hallucinogenic drugs for example) I’m made to feel as if I disagree with the word of god. This is hurtful because I am a believer in god and jesus christ. even as a christian, I am sympathetic to atheists view on theists because of behavior just like this. I wish i could be as stubborn and unaware as him but I cannot. I cannot block out points of view that differ from my own only because I do not understand. I really don’t want my thinking to be reduced into chapter-verse format. I seek approval from god, not my father. He is a man and he is subject to the same pitfalls and misunderstanding as any. but I also cannot ignore the possibility that I am just like him… what faults of my own do I not see?