When I first saw you, I developed a small crush on you. Two years later, we met again and I forgot how to breath around you. I fell in love with you and we started to go out. It couldn’t have been more perfect.…

Everyone I knew hated you, hated you with such a passion that they would scowl if I even brought you up in conversation. They kept telling me over and over that it wouldn’t last between us and that you were just using me, playing me, and I just laughed.

My friends were right. You were just using me. You told me that yourself, that all you wanted to do was rape me and beat me, and it shattered me. It wasn’t the first time I’ve been used before and it just tore my heart apart.

And I’m still in love. For some reason, I’m still in love. Holding onto something that doesn’t even exist to make myself feel better. You keep telling me you love me though, that you don’t want to hurt me, and that you would give me the world and more… and I believe you.

My guardian angel, my best friend who hates him, is moving out of the area. She won’t be there to protect me anymore but at the same time she won’t be able to keep me away from him. I’ve never been so happy to lose someone.