you will encounter the same problem over and over agin with anyone you date because YOU are the problem. you are insecure and lazy. what grown man lives off his step mother and father and smokes weed all fucking day. your dad mooches off a woman-no pride. your brother mooches off a woman-no pride. and now you are prepping a woman to take care of you as well. you are nothing more than a low grade pimp who pimps trailer trash. you feed that insecure slut the i loves yous she will never get from others…thats why she is still single. no one wants her, LOL!! your son will do it to. you were earnign his respect, he came out of a lot of depression and you are going right back in. you are THE example.…way to go dad. oh and when peanut marries a man that cheats on her and uses her, do not be shocked, dad. you should have NEVER tried to give me any parenting advice…lol. you fucked up on that. who wants parenting advice from a LOSER.