I dont know why i get with you. all the time. I really dont. I knew from the get go that you were the polar opposite of the kind of guy i want. Your an ass. You are just such a dickhead. You will egt with me and then not talk to me the next day. Infact, i dont kow that we have ever spoken to each other when were not on a night out together. We were happening on and off for 9 months, so i decided i would send you a text. Nothing big, just a text. You wouldnt talk to me for like, 2 weeks after that. Then this girl im in college with found out we had happened a few times, and when she said it to you, you denied it and wouldnt talk to me for a month. Then, you waited till i got really drunk and told me that i liked you a lot more than you liked me and that we had to stop. That suited me fine. I dont see you for a good while, and when i do, we are civil, But then you had to ruin it. You had to come on to me. And of course, we got together again. Except this time you did all the work. You held my hand, something you never would have done before. You came after me. After you said i had too much emotion in it, and i liked you too much, YOU came after ME. And i hate myself for getting with you. I know you are and ass, but i just keep doing it. I have a kind hear you see, and i cant help but want to try and make this work. I hope, even thought i know i shouldnt. I hope that you will change and that we could be together, even when i know it wont happen. Even when i dont even think i like you, but just because im a fool. Ugh, just, i wish i didnt have to see you. Because i hate you that little bit because i like you.…i think…