I’m in a magical forest, surrounded by friendly giants. I’m flying in the sky, hopping on clouds. I’m in a royal castle, holding court. This is my imagination. I make everything more grand, more exciting, more fun.
What’s real? I’m alone. I’m scared. I hide down deep inside myself. I leave my body. I see myself. I’m that sad little girl, the one the others humiliate. I’m that daughter, the one her father is screaming at. I’m that student who has stopped trying to succeed. No one tries to understand this sad little girl. Maybe they just want her to go away. Maybe that’s what she wants. Maybe she just wants to disappear.
I’ll pretend it’s not happening. I’ll pretend I don’t hear the insults, don’t feel the shoves, don’t see the way teachers ignore me. I’ll pretend I’m in some other place. In my imagination, I’ll be alone. I’m always alone.