• 234901071

    Im still in love with you. If you only had a clue.

  • 103875839

    I miss what we used to be.

  • 201942290

    I have no problem with old people, but it seems they are always trying to prove themselves against me. They’re really hostile to me. I always thought people got smarter when they got older, but I’m realizing something else.

  • 629167147

    I dreamt we were traveling through a strange city (a hybrid between Paris and Tokyo). You told me you loved me in the back of a taxi–I don’t even know you. There was a black and lavender chandelier hanging in an egg shaped room. There was death everywhere; the streets were flooded, it smelled like decomposing matter. You fixed a man’s arm with a lighter after he was shot. I don’t know you, aside from the dream of you. Still, this dream of you is wonderful. Thank you.

  • 753641542

    I begged you from the get go. You refused. I still wait. It’s not my fault I told you I needed the answer. Yet I still care about you. Not because I know you but because youre a person. If you told me the truth things would be very different now. Guess they’re not supposed to be.

  • 530293404

    It’s good to know when a hunch is right. It’s beautiful to know someone like you exists because it makes life bearable. I’ve lost a lot in my life…and you filled a painful void. Thank you.

  • 32129748

    I love you, I love your smile, your eyes, the way you look at me. I love the feeling I get when I’m around you, and how much I miss you, I think about you way too often for my own good. I’ve never felt so ready to lose it to someone, I need you and want you so bad, I never get to see you, and it hurts like hell, but I love the pain I have to deal with pretty much 24/7 because it just proves how much I love you. I love how I’m ur first love, I’m pretty sure you’re mine too, I don’t remember my feelings from my first relationship, because even though I was hurt from that, the second we first kissed I forgot everything about him. I had never felt that kind of spark, when our lips touched my whole body started to tingle and the world felt right. Were not going out anymore, but you love me, and I love you. I know we’ll get back together and ill be able to call u mine again… I know our feelings won’t disappear anytime soon 🙂 I’m happy for that, cuz there’s a lot more in store. You’re the perfect guy, I get so turned on thinking about you, there’s nothing I want more than for you to fuck me, make love to me, whatever you want to call it, you complete my world, and your amazing dick would complete and satisfy all my desires, nothing else can. But who knows how long it might be until you can fill me up, until then nothing will feel right. Oh the joys of puppy love and extreme sexual attraction :/

  • 318691037

    They said things that hurt me and I didnt say anything back but because I didnt say anything they said I was stuck up and being a bitch so they said more things that hurt even worse. The real reason I didnt say anything is because I didnt want to hurt them by telling them they hurt me. 🙁

  • 348673131

    i’m confessing tonight, anonymously, because i can’t tell you this in person. or ever.. but i need to get this off my chest.
    like a magnet, i was attracted to you. i couldn’t resist the pull, so for awhile i kept watching over you. wondering about you…i actually felt like i was falling in love with you.

    i still think i could have had the conditions been right. we would have been one hell of a love story.

    but we were so far apart..

    you are.. the spark to my inspiration.. the mysterious song of my heart. the oxygen that kept me going..

    i clung to you. to this image i had of you. it was so one sided. so unfair..

    know that no matter where you are, there is a heart that you’ve touched.. simply because you existed, because you were brave enough to take a step and make an imprint in this world.

    i felt it, the vibrations of it. and i cherished the person who dared.. cherished you… i only wish you all the best…

    i’m over it now. over you… but i support you. i’ll still be rooting for you, on the other side of the world.

    and you.. you don’t even know my name.

    love always, me.

  • 632531739

    There is no fucking hell…only here with you.

  • 688794918

    I’ve already paid dearly for loving you. You will never know how or how much.

  • 127766749

    You’re not even man enough to tell me that you’re seeing another women. I told you of you ever did anything to hurt me I will leave and forget you. It will be scary how much you don’t mean to me anymore.

  • 604204234

    I’m 29. I broke off my engagement to my girlfriend I had been dating for three and a half years. I haven’t spoken to her in over four months. I have no idea why I did it.

  • 35287643

    I love you. I love you so much it hurts and id give my left arm to try again with you. But wwe can’t because its been too damn long and I’ve changed too much. You tell me about the boyfriend you don’t love and it kills me. I wish I could just get over you.

  • 320009613

    I wonder if Eileen fucked you.

  • 315654542

    I feel worthless, even though I shouldn’t. I can’t shake this depression, but I also can’t afford any kind of doctor or meds right now. M’scared, and I wish I still had someone I felt comfortable talking to.

  • 995239420

    You need to grow the fuck up.
    Seriously, you tell me all the time that you’re a 24 year old man and I’m a 19 year old girl and I don’t know what the fuck I’m talking about.
    Honey, you collect Social Security, you live with your mommy, and you don’t have a job. You may be 24, but you certainly are not a grown man. Start acting like it, and I’ll start respecting you. Until then, stop throwing your age around like it means something in itself– it doesn’t.

    Oh, and quit telling me where I should and shouldn’t go to college. You couldn’t make anything but community college, and you dropped out of that after two semesters. Seriously, how dare you tell me what I need to do to get an education and a job? You obviously don’t know.

    GROW UP.
    I love you, but holy shit, you’re immature and you need to deal with it. You’d be a great person if you did.

  • 965596307

    Ive been with my guy for 2 1/2 years and I’m starting to wonder if I’m missing out on someone else. But I’m afraid to lose what I have he’s really great but he has this core of negativeness that drives me crazy. A family member told me that I either have to make peace with who he is as a person and be happy with what I have or give him the boot. She went into this whole thing about your thoughts having to match what you are doing or you wont be ultimately happy. I can see that its true with her own life. She says that any relationship can last two years but after that shit starts to bother you. and I can’t help but wonder what if. and its not just about my relationship but where I am in my live. Fuck Me I have no Idea what to do.

  • 269479566

    I’ll give you what you wanna hear then you can fuck off. It was all lust, for a good cyberfuck, not love.….….……you are so right. Now be happy and go away. Someone like me could never love.

  • 303076270

    I realize now that my heart has frozen solid without me even noticing.


The end?