I fuckin hate my roommate. Every morning I’m the first one to wake up and she constantly feels the need to fuckin peer over from her side of the room to check and see what I’m doing. Honest to God, it makes no sense what so ever since she pretty much arranged the funiture to have little to no contact with me and our third roommate. Today, after I got back from showering, I was putting on my pad, and low and behold looked up to find her staring at me. It’s shit like this that makes me think she’s completely lesbo for me, even though she’d deny it seeing as she’s an avid bible thumper.

I think about killing her daily when I go to take a leak and come back to find the air on full blast, the lights off, and her in bed at midnight. At least when I go to bed early I leave the fuckin lights on. No consideration on her part whatsoever. I’m thinking about writing her a goodbye letter to read during her flight back to California after the semester is over. It would pretty much consist of me telling her off and hoping her plane crashes. I swear if I did and the plane actually went down, I wouldn’t even feel bad.