Kori, I think you are likely the dumbest broad I’ve ever met. Sweetie, you are in your 50’s. Don’t you think it’s time you grow the hell up and stop pretending you are back in high school? You wanted in our family,like were the damn Kennedy’s and guess what? You are never going to get there. Sure, people will fake it a bit to avoid family drama, but I can guarantee, you’ve created a mess for yourself. We’ll be talking shit about you for years to come because that’s exactly what you are: shit. You think you are going to live it up and live rich off the family? oh please. if my drunk loser borther doesnt, neither will you. So go ahead brag to your white trailer park friends about the luxury you are getting into and lets see how long it lasts. White trash in a mansion is still white trash.
I’m sorry your marriage was bad, but it was YOUR marriage. You stayed in it because as everyone can see, you are truly nothing without a man. A used up whore who drinks to escape the fact that you don’t have a home of your own, and despite having no bills, you had your car repossessed and you ran away from your kid to be with a homeless, worthless drunk like my brother. How proud you must be.
You think my sister was tough on you? Honey you aint seen nothing yet. Sorry to say, I support my evil sister long before I’d ever back you up. Call her evil, a bitch, negative, nasty, unhappy, likely all those things are true…but I will never ever be on your side.Blood is thicker than water, but your woudlnt know that would you, since you so easily walked away from your own kid. You are a money grubbing whore who is nothing without a man. You are so very proud to call a homless, used up, lying cheating, beating child abusing drunk of my bother the greatest man in the world. You run with that and when it blows up in your face, I’ll be having the last laugh.