i feel blank.…empty.…a shell of a person.
im crying but i can’t figure out why… but im so sad. i haven’t felt truely happy in so so long.
you say all i do is complain…im not complaining..im just telling you how my day was…and my day was bad…you asked me how it was…so i answered
what happened to you loving me? you say you love me because you let me do things and give me things but thats not love.…i just want to be able to talk to you…like i used to dad.…
i feel so alone when i cry now mom…looking back on it…you were the only one i ever really cried to…you always knew just what to do..rub my back softly saying shhhh…everything will be ok.…now i feel so silly, i hug a picture of you shhhing myself. i feel like an idiot…i wish you were here.
i try so hard for dad…but everytime i cry he mocks me and laughs at me..and when i cry more.….….…he’ll.….he will.….….…..oh mom.…… i miss you.…