you kind of, sort of, pissed me off today.
stop doing that. no one likes you when you force them to do things they don’t want to do. your job isn’t to delegate tasks. your job is to motivate others into doing what YOu want them to do, and if you can’t do that, leave them the hell alone. do you hate me? are you doing this to me on purpose because you don’t like me? you’re sucha bitch. NO YOU CAN’T USE ME AGAIN.


i really didn’t like what you did today. it reminded me of all the things i hated about you, and why it’s so important for me to not get close to you.

no one really likes you, y’know. they just tolerate you. and the closer they get to you, the more they see through the facade you’ve made yourself believe you were. that’s why they always come to ignore you.

it’s only a matter of time. i wish you’d stop doing lying and manipulating others. i like you so much better when you’re kind, but you always transform into this offensive bitch. you put others down to make yourself feel better, or you use them to make yourself look better. you used to do that to me all the time. you used me, my skills, my friendship, you used me as a stepping stone (stepped all over me), but you really brought out the worst in me.

i can’t trust you at all. and i really dislike people like you.