I had the one thing that everyone in life wants, true love! It was actually like living in a bubble of love, nothing else in the world mattered! She would do anything for me and I fr her! So what did I do? I went and smashed it all to pieces because of my insecurities about my own persona and because of a shallow attitude about looks!
The woman in question was an angel, her very name lifted my heart and started my head swirling! It was an instance of ‘love at first sight’. Now I was wrong because when it started I was with a long term partner but this woman took me and made me into a man again, actually she made me feel like a god and it wasn’t just the sex! I left my partner and moved in with her, we had the happiest time, days, weeks and months passed and life was the best! Then I started to see the wrinkles in both the relationship and her, I have this fear of waking up with someone who looks old! I know that’s stupid and I honestly don’t know where it comes from. So instead of working it out what did I do? Ran to the arms of a younger woman, just flirts and texts but it was exciting. As it went on I began to feel contempt towards this woman I had fallen in love with for getting older, she still filled my life in every other way but I couldn’t see past the signs of age!
Needless to say I lost her, I broke her heart and for that I should be eternally damned! And inevitably like a guilty man I blamed someone else, I blamed her!
So I confess I was wrong, I am shallow, I am trying to change! But until that day comes I just want to say “I’m so, so sorry V” N x