I hate your kids. I buy my kid a computer, your kid is on it. I buy my son a video game, your kid is playing it. My son gets a package in the mail, your kid is opening it. My son makes himself something to eat, your kid is eating it. What the f*ck is it with your kids? Your daughter is an absolute PIG. Why haven’t you taught these kids anything? The thing is, they don’t know anything because YOU don’t know anything and they’ve learned ‘nothing’ by watching YOU. I don’t want to raise YOU or your kids. I want to move out. I want my own home. I want my own CLEAN home where people have respect for their belongings. You AND your kids are just pigs all the way around. You have gotten better maybe- but your kids…? Oh my GAWD. I don’t know if there’s any help for them. They are going to be a POX on society- the type that ruin everything for everyone because they are mindless PIG-SLOBS. That’s what’s saddest of all.