I love my best friend, but lately, I just can’t stand hanging out with her. She’s just so boring, and everytime we hang out, it’s just so routine and old that I just want to cry. I love having fun, I love being spontaneous and trying new things. She’s all “grown up” now, but at the same time, she is very immature. All we ever do anymore is go “shopping”…Meaning I follow her around while she spends *hours* shopping for overpriced makeup and perfume that my grandma might wear. When I get bored, I start talking, and she tells me to shut up so she can concentrate. Seriously, that’s all we EVER do. She comes to me with all of her problems. I’m always there for her when she needs to vent and I try my damndest to help her however I can. But do I get the same? No. “That’s life, you just have to get over it.”

I think it’s time to retire this friendship. Deenah, it’s been fun, but I really just can’t take anymore.