So I was talking to an old friend today, and was talking about how this guy had seriously hurt her some time back, I mean he put her in the hospital in a coma and shit.Almost left her kids without a mother, yes-it was that bad. I said well you must really hate him for what he did to you.Her response blew me away, she said, at first I felt betrayed,lost and angry.I acted out in anger myself to what had happened to me and stopped feeling almost any sort of feelings at all.I became someone I did not like because of that experience in a whole. And then she said-but because of that experience, in the end I found myself again.And I forgave him for what all happened.With that experience I was reborn, I had to loose myself to learn who I really was.Honestly, she is an amazing woman,full of life and compassion for others like I have never seen before. Sorry ass who ran her over, be glad I wasn’t around at the time. You wouldn’t have gotten away with it, that I can gaurantee. I love my friend,and you supposedly loved her when you did that to her.Glad she wised up sorry ass!!You will never know this woman like we have,she is cherished!!And I believe an angel sent from God to teach us all how to live harmonously with others.