Im 15, and my parents, in particular my dad, is always on my ass about my grades, he says he wants me to get good grades and go to college and all that good stuff. I feel so bad because I really don’t try in school an have have O.K. grades. I don’t even know if I want to futher my education from high school. Honestly, I really can’t think of anything that I want out of life. I mean I have absoultly no talents. I can’t sing, dance, I’m not smart, I mean what fuckin’ reason do I have to even be here?

I’m a complete failure at life
You know that saying, “Some people say that before you die your life flashes before your eyes, so make it worth watching”? Pssh… I’m going to have a pathetic show to watch.

Oh yeah I have an idiot for a brother…he got caught for 10 lbs of weed! What a fuckin disappointment! I swear he’s ruining us. My family. I swear… i don’t know what to do. Maybe if I go away It’ll all go away, at least for me.

Like I said I’m a failure, to the one thing that means the most to me. My family. I’m sorry dad I can’t be who you want me to be, I’m sorry mom, Bro, and sis. I’m sorry I can’t be the strong sibling. I’m sorry I’m so weak, I’m sorry I’m a failure. I hope you love me anyways, if love exists. I’m sorry I’m such a loser, I’m just so weak, so maybe I’ll end it.…yes.…..I’ll end it.……soon. Very soon.