
  • 992106298

    It’s not going to do anything if I tell you I still love you. It doesn’t matter.

  • 240804026

    What do you want from me? I really just want to move on.

    f to m

  • 14811271

    I know that I am an outright and completely ugly looking girl. I know I live in a world that doesn’t accept ugly girls. This fact makes me hate the entire world. It’s not like it’s something we chose. I’d give my soul to be pretty.

  • 571386659

    I want to kill myself.

  • 305233356

    I love my roommate and when we first moved in together I had this sneaking feeling that she was into girls and not guys, but I couldn’t place why, so I decided to not think about it.

    Six months later, she comes and tells me about this girl she hooked up with and might start having an ongoing thing with, and all the drama with that, totally nonchalant because this is the 21st century and we are all supposed to be past judging, but secretly I was excited that I’d noticed it so early on.

    I hope it all goes well for her!

  • 579932793

    When you moan in a deep sea of lust and desire, it makes me want you more. When you tell me how much you love your wife, my clit beckons. So, what are you waiting for?

  • 262006611

    I’m in love with Emma Watson. I’ve never met her and probably never will. But man, the feeling i get when I stare into those beautiful eyes…It’s intense.

    Emma Watson, why can’t you be gay???

  • 673358751

    I lead multiple lives none of which I am happy with, wish I could start over

  • 661168988

    I want to know you don’t want me in any way shape or form or know what you feel. You can’t hurt me anymore I’m immune to it .

  • 545472669

    I just want to forget you now. Just leave me alone k

  • 426984315

    if I wasnt Catholic I would totally have sex with you

  • 796183104

    I realized today that I love my dogs more than my boyfriend, but I can’t afford the rent on my own and he says he will kill himself if I leave so I feel trapped.. I just want to have a good time and enjoy life for once. I know you mean well but your holding me back. please let me go.

  • 391253676

    I don’t know how to NOT lead you on! I wish I were a better person.

  • 366522939


  • 124493937

    I never did that english assignment ;]

  • 127466304


    We don’t speak anymore because you’re a cunt. I’ve never hated anyone before, but I hate you now. You disgust me. Your life is a joke. I don’t want anything to do with you ever again. I wish I had never met you. Or that you’d die. Either way, you not existing in my life would be an enormous plus. But you’re still there, shitting everything up with your ugly, pug face. Seeing you sad makes me happier than almost anything else. That’s how much you’ve made me hate you. I’ll never forgive you for what you did and I will never forget. I gave you a second, third, fourth chance…look where it got me. Never again. I hate you.

    - I’m sure even you could figure it out.

  • 499001948

    I’m afraid you might be the last person I fall in love with. Afraid because we haven’t spoken in a while. Pipe dreams aren’t reality, yet I hang on.

  • 643764287

    DS — I just wanna bend you over and give you four-and-a-half inches of pleasure! You’ve probably had tampon changes that were more sexually fulfilling but until tampons come with little misshapen hairy balls…

    You ever sit on a thimble? Yeah, take it all!

    And bring JR with you too so I can stick my mighty mini fuck stick in her pooper. She looks like she’s way into anal.

  • 775711853

    I think I’m over him. That doesn’t mean I don’t still think you’re a cunt.

  • 198208493

    You spurned me.

    I’ve spent so much time being forgiving, being understanding, and trying to do what was best for you. And even so you spurned me.

    I’m finished. If I get my way you will never see me again.

    The humor is I doubt you will even care. Joke’s on me I guess.

    The universe is a joke.