• 9597830

    I want to leave you so bad. I think about it everyday. I honestly do love you but I can’t live this way. You make my life harder than what it has to be. But, I know if I try to leave you’ll either kill me or kill yourself. I guess for now, I’m stuck.

  • 186880679

    i fucked him today. truth is…fucking someone is the best thing to get over someone else…LOL.

  • 808557915

    A month ago, i had to put up at my mother in law’s place while my wife was away abroad on an official visit. while i was alone with my mother in law in her house, she seduced me and we had a hot session of sex. she later confessed that she had been denied of hot sex for past 12 years as my father in law had a heart attack. she performed what all a guy would expect from a woman and now i am addicted to her. from that day onwards i have been fucking her every alternate day. though i feel that i am cheating on my wife, i feel satisfied that i am atleast consoling my mother in law by giving her good sex

  • 348513268

    Nothing is set in stone, so don’t act like it is. Your house of cards can crumble too.

  • 996911312

    I just saw dustin from the new season of the real world completely naked and humping a fuckin bed. I laughed so loud when I saw that my cat ran away from me.

    3 Brittney.

  • 82185695

    Why can’t I get it through my thick skull that he doesn’t want me anymore? I screwed my life up for him. I’ve got to forget him, but that’s easier said than done.

  • 260285006


  • 948092943

    I love you and miss you, more than you know.

  • 859642543

    I made $19,000,000.00 last year for 4 months of work and I still love to shop at thrift stores in disguise. It makes me feel like I’m getting away with something and no one has ever caught me or blasted me in a tabloid.
    When I’m photographed wearing something from a thrift store, I have to laugh because the $8 dress I got was mistaken for a $3,000 Christian Dior…the shoes were mistaken for $400 Manolos. I paid a total of $22 for the outfit that made me a ton of money on publicity.
    Thank you media for being idiots.

  • 686628719

    im feeling good about the future. i will finish school, move forward, buy that boat and restore it with someone who loves me. im still going to do all the things we dreamed about, im just not doing them with you, tim. did you think it would kill me if you left? you only cut me, ill heal. which girl gets those lame jack jhonson dedications now??? LOL! tripe.

  • 396376980

    I love watching failures. It absolutely confirms my belief in everything I know: Hard work, determination, honestly, realism, doing the right thing, self control…and the list goes on.

    I see failures all the time and it honestly makes me laugh because they absolutely deserve to get nothing since they work at nothing. People who think they are incredibly ‘on’ with life and they don’t have a fucking clue. People who spend their lives ‘getting away’ with anything they can, they will always fail, and deservedly so. I love karma, I love when justice in life happens…it’s everywhere.

  • 86316951

    Kori, I think you are likely the dumbest broad I’ve ever met. Sweetie, you are in your 50’s. Don’t you think it’s time you grow the hell up and stop pretending you are back in high school? You wanted in our family,like were the damn Kennedy’s and guess what? You are never going to get there. Sure, people will fake it a bit to avoid family drama, but I can guarantee, you’ve created a mess for yourself. We’ll be talking shit about you for years to come because that’s exactly what you are: shit. You think you are going to live it up and live rich off the family? oh please. if my drunk loser borther doesnt, neither will you. So go ahead brag to your white trailer park friends about the luxury you are getting into and lets see how long it lasts. White trash in a mansion is still white trash.
    I’m sorry your marriage was bad, but it was YOUR marriage. You stayed in it because as everyone can see, you are truly nothing without a man. A used up whore who drinks to escape the fact that you don’t have a home of your own, and despite having no bills, you had your car repossessed and you ran away from your kid to be with a homeless, worthless drunk like my brother. How proud you must be.
    You think my sister was tough on you? Honey you aint seen nothing yet. Sorry to say, I support my evil sister long before I’d ever back you up. Call her evil, a bitch, negative, nasty, unhappy, likely all those things are true…but I will never ever be on your side.Blood is thicker than water, but your woudlnt know that would you, since you so easily walked away from your own kid. You are a money grubbing whore who is nothing without a man. You are so very proud to call a homless, used up, lying cheating, beating child abusing drunk of my bother the greatest man in the world. You run with that and when it blows up in your face, I’ll be having the last laugh.

  • 778941965

    I just started going back out with this guy that Ive known my whole life. We started dating this past summer when I went to stay up around where he lives (which is hrs away from where I normally live). We went out for the whole summer and continued going out when I returned home. After about 2 months though we broke up bc of the distance but we still talked just like we were going out. About a month after we broke up he told me he was going to try and talk to his ex gf again since I had told him if he went out with anyone I wanted it to be her bc i kinda knew her. Well they started going out and me and him continued to talk. sometimes it was just as friends sometimes it was more then friends. we would sometimes tell each other that we loved each other. this was of course bad bc he was still with his ex and it would hurt me to know that they were together. so we pretty much went on talking and hurting each other for almost 4 months. I knew i should stop talkin to him and move on but i honestly love him and believe he loves me to. finally he decided to try and get his gf to break up with him and she finally did after he told her that i was comming into town and he was going to spend time with me. i was thrilled. only 3 days later he asked me back out and i said yes. weve been going out now for almost a week but i cant help but wonder if hes still talkin to her like he talked to me when we broke up and he was with her. I want to believe that he wouldnt do that to me but so much has happened over the past several months that i guess i dont trust him like i use to, and im afraid hes gonna leave me again.

  • 449295876

    they bring their children to me one by one as if looking for a miracle. I am sure I can not cure them of their autism, but the families sure believe so. Their hope is truly the miracle.

  • 366989758

    Why am I so repulsive? The only people that ‘like’ me are those who I do not care for, or who I am definitely not attracted to.
    Why can’t I just find somebody? Why am I so fussy? 🙁

  • 972609950

    I say I’m addicted to it. Really, I’m addicted to you.

  • 708306404

    I’m too ugly for him. It’s as simple as that.

  • 642915791

    i still love you.…maybe i always will. our love was special. i know now that it is over. a good goodbye was not too much to ask for. my last memory of you is of pain. i wanted so much more for you. the love we shared was worth more than how it ended. look at your life and how you have made monsters of all your past girlfriends.…did it help? was demonizing them and their memories a good anectdote to your pain? no.…i did not think so. my heart will heal, will yours?

  • 863664437

    I’m falling in love with a married coworker who has been a close friend for several years. But I don’t want her to leave her husband. I don’t want either of us to cheat on our spouses. I just want to know that, if circumstances were different, we’d be together.

    Okay, maybe I also want one kiss, and the occasional knowing glance.

  • 988287014

    Even though we’re friends again, I still think you’re the most idiotic individual I have ever met.


The end?