I wish I could talk it out with one of my ex bffs, but that’s never to be. I’ve dealt with it and moved on, I just wish she would give me another chance. I’ve grown up a lot since then, but oh well her loss.

You don’t know me and you never will.
I am glad my future husband is all I need. I like the confession a few pages back, I have a few close friends, but he is my world and happiness. I know it’s the other way around too, it’s very comforting and I know it’s true love.
Living here has turned me into a pathetic emotional wreck. I’ve questioned what I wanted to do with my life, which I had never done before in my life, after I could not say yes when asked if I loved what I was studying. I met a girl who seemed interested in me, but later said that she wasn’t and I had gotten too emotionally attached before she said so. I can’t stand the people around here, but I wanted a change from where I was living before. I hate what has happened, but I really only have myself to blame for it. I’ve already tried hanging myself once since I moved out here and I have contemplated it more than once again since. I’m scared to talk with a counselor here because I’m already marked as suicidal here. I know I need help, but I think it’s too late.
Even though I’m more confident in myself and am now demanding what I deserve so I won’t get hurt by guys who just want sex…I’m starting to wonder after spending many months alone if asking for what I deserve is just too much.
And if I have to see another guy I like fall for another girl who ends up crushing him because she led him on and was never interested in the first place.…I’m cuttin a bitch…just sayin.
I just want someone who wants me back.…
I think if someone told me I was beautiful constantly it would make me feel someone was blowin smoke… Or just crazy. A constant stream of compliments would leave no time for conversation, sleep, work, or eating. Try swallowing your dinner while constantly saying ” you’re beautiful .” I feel a way of defining real love is different than the next, it doesn’t mean I’m wrong or you’re wrong. Like say you screw up, to me true love is not needing to apologize to keep love, but doing it anyway because it’s the right thing to do.
Success! I’ll leave you with hate in my heart.
I’d piss all over you if you didn’t like it so much sick prick.
some people just need to grow the hell up and respect my decisions in life.
I’m pretty sure that he’s leading me on just because he knows that I like him, but I’m still okay with it because it means that I have someone to talk to.
You told me she made you sad because she told you to stop texting her. You said she said it in a non — her way. She’s really nice, and you said she said it really mean.
It’s because you text her 24/7. She’s annoyed, she told me.
I feel bad for you.
I’m addicted to humous.
I love my boyfriend name Filip. He is my everything,and I will marry him. same nationality and age. I promise him that I will never replace him and he is my forever husband for life.
I miss cuddling, I’d really like to but since I can’t I want to have sex and make out more. I almost asked him but I would have felt bad so I’ll just stick with s, sex every couple weeks is better than nothing.
Penises scare me. I love my guy friends but I always forget that they have one. It literally scares me. I don’t know why. And I’m not a lesbian. 20.f
Do guys actually like vaginas, or are they something the heterosexual man must tolerate if he wants to have sex? What is the male opinion on the vagina? I wish I knew; I want to know where my vagina stands in the scheme of things. I have no idea; I have known guys who pay no more attention to it than is strictly necessary; treating it as a hole, slot A where P is inserted; perhaps an unfortunate hole; I don’t know; could someone out there help me?
I want my vagina to be liked, I guess. I don’t just want it to be tolerated.
I like penises… -
I played laser tag for the first time ever and I LOVE LOVE LOVE it. 🙂
You know I’m leaving so you act up like a child. Fuck you. I don’t give a SHIT about money but you’d only know that if you actually knew me.
I can’t figure out what’s wrong with me, but there’s obviously something. I’m not a dick (trust me, I’m not), I’m well educated, and I’m physically fit. Why haven’t I gotten any action in 7 months. What the fuck? Lots of things are going well, but without someone to share it with I feel like a failure.
I wish I was dumb enough to buy into “Born Again Christianity”, because I’d do it in a second.
I only want one,
I am so sick of (constantly) looking. I am sick of feeling desperate. I am sick of hoping.
I am so sick of being alone
The end?